Industrial Leadership Coach Suzen Fiskin Interviewed on Women and Manufacturing Jacket Media Podcast

Industrial Leadership Coach Suzen Fiskin Interviewed on Women and Manufacturing Jacket Media Podcast

Suzen Fiskin, a professional speaker and pioneer in the world of industrial leadership coaching, was recently a guest on the Women and Manufacturing Jacket Media podcast hosted by Lydia DiLiello. According to Fiskin, over 95% of what goes on in our brains is beneath our conscious level of awareness. When we want to make changes, it’s the 5% which triggers powerful results. Fiskin suggested that internal dialogue is so important. Industrial leaders have powerful transformations when they own the voice in their head that stops them from enjoying success, and appreciating it. Coaching accelerates that awareness. Watch for the full interview here

Di Liello noted, “Coaching reframes one’s’ perspective and is highly effective at changing behaviors as a result. When old events or feelings are perceived from another viewpoint, insight and freedom are gained. Utilizing what we ‘know,’ coaching transforms these knowns to questions. By examining these questions and giving ourselves permission to challenge old held beliefs, coaching quickly breaks through destructive mental patterns. The result is effective new behaviors supporting reframed beliefs.”  

TR Cutler, Inc. recently launched the Industrial Coaching Leadership division headed by Fiskin. Cutler added, “Known Suzen Fiskin for more than thirty years and she’s the best in the coaching field. She has the tools and skill sets needed to address all the basic principles of Continuous Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, and Theory of Constraints.” 

Women and Manufacturing podcast is one of several podcasts from Jacket Media Co. that address the manufacturing industry in more depth and breadth than any mainstream media outlet.

About TR Cutler, Inc.

Thomas R. Cutler is celebrating the 24-year anniversary of the Manufacturing Media Consortium, a group of 9000+ editors, journalists, freelancers, economists, addressing the industrial sector. Cutler and his team work to track the industrial sector trends which includes manufacturing, distribution, supply chain, robotics, technology, Industry 4.0, IIoT, and much more.

Cutler has personally authored more than 8,000 articles for a wide range of leading manufacturing periodicals, industrial publications, and business journals. He was recently named the Most Influential Supply Chain Journalist by AI Global Media. Cutler is the most published freelance industrial journalist worldwide, and over 5200 industry leaders follow Cutler on Twitter daily at @ThomasRCutler.

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