Language Learning Apps LLC Launches ELD-AAC in San Diego

Comprehensive educational game for children who use AAC

Language Learning Apps, LLC, owned by renowned speech-language pathologistSusan Berkowitz, proudly unveils their groundbreaking educational game “ELD-AAC.”Developed in collaboration with Henesys Studio, this innovative app is set torevolutionize language and speech education for children who use AAC.

“ELD-AAC” is the brainchild of Susan Berkowitz, a leading figure in speech-languagepathology. Leveraging her expertise and curriculum, this interactive app offers a uniqueand engaging learning experience for children on the autism spectrum and others whouse or need to use AAC. With four distinct levels – Early Phrases, Pronoun-VerbPhrases, More Pronoun-Verb Phrases, and Prepositions – and a comprehensiveselection of 13 activities, the app aims to empower children to grasp essential languageskills.

Key Features of “ELD-AAC”:

– Hands-On Learning: The app utilizes simple touch and tap interactions, making itaccessible for children with autism to engage effectively.
– Practical Curriculum: Based on Susan Berkowitz’s curriculum, the app focuses ondaily activities, common actions, events, basic sentence formation
– Progressive Levels: With four levels of increasing complexity, the app caters tolearners at different stages of language development.
– Expert Collaboration: The app’s curriculum is designed by Susan Berkowitz, anexperienced speech-language pathologist, and developed by Henesys Studio,renowned for its expertise in educational game development.
– Empowering Communication: “ELD-AAC” strives to enhance children’scommunication skills, fostering their ability to express themselves and engagemeaningfully with the world around them.

Susan Berkowitz, the visionary behind this initiative, is thrilled to present ‘ELD-AAC’ asan empowering tool for nonspeaking children to navigate the realm of language andcommunication. This project combines years of expertise with cutting-edge gamedevelopment, creating a dynamic learning experience.

Henesys Studio, the creative force responsible for bringing “ELD-AAC” to life,commented, “Collaborating with Susan Berkowitz on ‘ELD-AAC’ has been an inspiringjourney. We’re committed to leveraging interactive technology to enhance educationaloutcomes, and this app aligns perfectly with that mission.”

To experience the transformative potential of “ELD-AAC,” visit Susan Berkowitz’s website or explore Language Learning Apps, LLC website. The desktop app is available for download andpurchase, promising a brighter future for children with autism.

About Susan Berkowitz:

Susan Berkowitz is an esteemed speech-language pathologist with a focus on languageand AAC education for children with autism and other who do not speak. Her dedicationto creating effective and engaging learning materials has garnered her recognitionwithin the field.

About Henesys Studio:

Henesys Studio is a trailblazer in educational game development, specializing increating interactive experiences that bridge learning and play. With a commitment toinnovation, Henesys Studio transforms curricula into captivating digital solutions.

Media Contact
Company Name: Language Learning Apps LLC
Contact Person: Susan Berkowitz
Email: Send Email
Country: United States