Readers’ Favorite announces the review of the Paranormal book “Al Ana’s Curse” by Jerome McGinn

Readers' Favorite announces the review of the Paranormal book "Al Ana's Curse" by Jerome McGinn

Readers’ Favorite announces the review of the Young Adult – Paranormal book “Al Ana’s Curse” by Jerome McGinn, currently available at

Readers’ Favorite is one of the largest book review and award contest sites on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins, and have received the “Best Websites for Authors” and “Honoring Excellence” awards from the Association of Independent Authors. They are also fully accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest companies.

“Reviewed By Ibrahim Aslan for Readers’ Favorite

Set in a small Michigan town called Cheboygan, this tale follows Aedan and his high school friends Lindsey, Tim, and Mary. An extraordinary and unforeseen change is looming in the air. The teens are preparing to graduate from high school and embrace college life. On the last day of school, Aedan and Lindsey decide to walk past the eerie Chook River in their town. A banshee suddenly appears out of nowhere and scares them with her terrifying warnings. Aedan vows to discover the truth behind this mysterious demonic apparition, dubbed Al Ana, that haunts the town and steals her victims’ souls. His friends join him on this riveting quest. Can they unearth the secrets of Cheboygan and bring closure to an old mystery surrounding the disappearance of its townsfolk? The answer awaits you in Jerome McGinn’s Al Ana’s Curse.

If you’re a fan of TV series like Locke and Key, Supernatural, and Salem, you’ll fall in love with this novel in a heartbeat. The plot hooked me from the start and refused to let me go. Jerome McGinn’s Al Ana’s Curse is a YA suspense thriller written like no other. The mysteries surrounding Al Ana will send a shiver down your spine. The suspense alone will cause you to glance over your shoulder–ever so often–while reading this enthralling tale. The characters are well-conceived, and the storyline takes a few unexpected twists and turns. I enjoyed reading it. Al Ana’s Curse has the right amount of trepidation, horror, action, and suspense. The dialogue and interactions between Aedan and his friends really capture the youthful vibe in an eerie little town overshadowed by impending doom and unforeseen dangers. Get ready for the thrill of a lifetime.”

You can learn more about Jerome McGinn and “Al Ana’s Curse” at where you can read reviews and the author’s biography, as well as connect with the author directly or through their website and social media pages.

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