Hima Acupuncture Ranked as Best Acupuncturists in New York City by Expertise

Hima Acupuncture Ranked as Best Acupuncturists in New York City by Expertise

“Best Acupuncturists in New York City”

Hima Acupuncture has been selected for the 2022 best acupuncturists in New York City by Expertise.com. The practice has been selected for this award for 4 consecutive years.

Expertise.com connects people with the best local experts. 1800 local acupuncturists were reviewed and scored on more than 25 variables across five categories, and analyzed the results to release this hand-picked list of the best. This curated list evaluates acupuncturists on 5 main criterias, on professionalism, experience, reputation, qualifications and availability. 

Hima Acupuncture is selected as the best in acupuncture Williamsburg. The practice is recognized for the highest quality of patient care, minimal wait time and outstanding review scores with patients. Hima is an exceptional practice for devoting full attention to the client’s healing; specializing in acupuncture for fertility, anxiety, and pain management.

For more information, or to get all your questions answered, please send a message to info@himaacupuncture.com

About Hima Acupuncture Williamsburg

Hima Acupuncture is a premier acupuncture service located in Flatiron, NoMad and Williamsburg, Brooklyn in New York City. Hima Acupuncture specializes in pain management, stress, digestive and women’s health concerns. As a whole-system medicine, we also offer herbs, cupping, Eastern nutrition, lifestyle tips as needed to supplement acupuncture treatments. Hima Acupuncture owner, Snow Xia, L.Ac has been recognized by Expertise.com as one of the best acupuncturists in NYC from 2019-2022. Snow frequently writes for MindBodyGreen and is an expert contributor to many health publications. It’s her passion to help busy New Yorkers take control of their own health while living ambitious lives.


Snow Xia L.Ac
Hima Acupuncture Williamsburg
169 Wythe Ave, Suite 106, Brooklyn, NY11249
(646) 807-8848

Media Contact
Company Name: Hima Acupuncture
Contact Person: Snow Xia
Email: Send Email
Phone: 646-807-8848
Address:169 Wythe Ave Suite 106
City: Brooklyn
State: NY
Country: United States
Website: www.himaacupuncture.com