Ashley Black’s FasciaBlaster, Partners in the Global Medical Aesthetics Market

Black named keynote speaker at prestigious South American Plastic Surgeon’s Conference in Cartagena, Colombia.

The global medical aesthetics market is expected to reach $22B by 2028 – driving this growth are products and services providing non to minimally invasive options to customers. Ashley Black, inventor of the FasciaBlaster instruments, leads this charge, building connections with worldwide distributors in the non-invasive category of medical aesthetics.

Black has been invited to speak at SAPS Academy’s Plastic Surgery Conference during the second weekend in May. Black’s keynote will appeal to aesthetics physicians and practitioners. Black will present her peer reviewed and published research that indicates that FasciaBlaster instruments can eradicate cellulite and reverse fibrosis. FasciaBlaster instruments are a powerful pairing with procedures such as liposuction, which can cause lumpy tissue that can be addressed with FasciaBlaster treatments. Black’s tools also pair seamlessly with other surgical conditions such as breast augmentation, tummy tucks, and other non-surgical treatments for cellulite. 

Partner, stem cells pioneer, and physician Dr Frederico Ugalde commented “The world has changed regarding body contouring. There have been a lot of machines that claim to remove cellulite. The experience from the plastic surgery community is that these devices don’t actually work. When I saw the results from the FasciaBlaster and combined that with how the world is moving toward advanced techniques like liposculpture, actually sculpting the body to reveal the muscles, I thought it’s a perfect match. With the pre op and post op use of the FasciaBlaster instruments, I think it will help to keep that beautiful result for many years.”

Black is expanding in the South American, European, and East Asian markets with her unique approach to preventing and reversing fibrosis, or scar tissue, caused by plastic surgery. Ashley Black has partnered with two world renowned surgeons to launch into these broader markets. Black says that “The fascia treatments I have spent 30 years developing, have always been in the medical realm. This is me getting back to my roots and putting this technology in the hands of medical professionals to accelerate the spread of this science.” 

There is also, as Black will elaborate on during the SASP keynote, an opportunity for physicians and practitioners to capture people who are not a candidate for surgery, or are not open to the risk of invasive methods. By expanding their services to include the FasciaBlaster instruments and techniques, providers have options at the ready, capturing a greater share of the broader market with or without invasive procedures. Patients might even be more likely to partake in procedures such as liposuction or Cool-Scuplt with the hope of minimising scar tissue and lumpiness by using the FasciaBlaster. 

Black says “We started with the consumer in the US market and dominated there, and now we are trickling up to the medical providers. In foreign markets, we are going to trickle down to the consumer through the physicians, and I think it is going to be a home run success. We are not guessing, we know patients want this service, we know physicians want to provide it and we know we will have better outcomes, which is a win-win-win scenario!”

Once Black concludes her keynote at SAPS conference, Black will handpick exclusive distributors in select markets for immediate distribution.

Fascia enthusiasts and investors can find a limited time small pre-IPO opportunity in an already successful DTC fascia business – and bet on the future of the company’s expansion into non-invasive categories of the medical aesthetics industry here: Ashley Black’s WeFunder page.

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Company Name: Ashley Black
Contact Person: Michael Graziano
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Country: United States