Staff Augmentation – Four benefits and nine ways to achieve it

Staff Augmentation - Four benefits and nine ways to achieve it

“Staff Augmentation offers flexible, cost-effective talent solutions for tech projects, enhancing speed, quality, and competitiveness.”

Staff Augmentation is a flexible approach that yields outstanding outcomes. Globalization has led technology companies to seek qualified talent for specific developments.

It is a way of working that, well executed, brings countless advantages when meeting tight deadlines and preserving quality. It constitutes a valuable instrument for great competitiveness and maintaining reasonable costs. Let’s see how to achieve it, its limitations, and the benefits for the teams.

Staff Augmentation – What is it?

When we talk about staff Augmentation, we refer to when an organization relies on external personnel dedicated to a particular project. Companies generally hire these people with specific skills for a particular period based on the stated objective.

Therefore, carrying out projects within the stipulated time is a quick and profitable strategy. For example, it takes four developers to design an application and integrate them into a team where there are already five. These four people already have the necessary skills, so there is no need to make a selection.

Think about it: using the traditional method, recruiting, and training would take many months; with this strategy, it would take only two. Consequently, the project’s viability is guaranteed, and the possibility of delayed delivery is eliminated. As it is a subcontract, no one has to be fired at the end of the project: the agreed rate is paid, and that’s it.

Three vital criteria

The increase in personnel does not only refer to looking outside for already trained talent. A base is required. There are three criteria based on:

  • Basic products. It involves bringing more staff into the organization to perform basic tasks, so specialized skills are unnecessary. It is when there is a specific shortage of personnel, and vacancies must be filled quickly.

  • Skills. It is appropriate when the company needs more qualifications and experience than average workers. The idea is to finish tasks more quickly and efficiently. They are highly sought-after because their skills and abilities are generally not readily available in the market or other organizations.

  • High qualification. You find them in other organizations that provide workers with a more specialized profile, ideal for complex projects. They can be hired on a short-term basis for specific tasks, such as designing a campaign to launch a new product. It will only be there until the campaign ends. 

On the other hand, if it is long-term, they will be there for at least a year. It is applied when the person is more specialized in their skills, and it is necessary to employ them for a longer time. These three criteria guarantee an excellent selection.

When and how to do Staff Augmentation

When a board of directors decides to conduct a Staff Augmentation, compelling reasons must exist. Nine possible scenarios exist.

1. As internal reinforcement

If new software development is underway, it becomes necessary to elevate the team’s expertise with additional talent. In those cases, the development of the IT area will be significant and valuable. Please don’t waste it.

2. To avoid gaps

There are times when several projects run simultaneously. Each needs specific personnel according to specialization, so the demand for skills constantly changes. In those cases, each project must be addressed separately.

The employment of increased personnel covers the needs present in each project without resorting to training. The savings in money and time are substantial, and vacant areas are effectively covered.

3. For rapid expansion

If the deadline is very close, you must look for an expert developer in software, IoT, etc., who is available as soon as possible. With a staff augmentation scheme, these experts can be located quickly. You must contact your trusted provider, review their resumes, interview, and hire.

4. To meet the dates

When recruiting personnel is needed, a long time generally elapses between the call and the hiring. There is little time to complete this process if projects are in progress.

The Staff Augmentation strategy allows you to successfully increase IT staff regardless of the length of the contract. Additionally, you have access to a global workforce of developers that is already prepared and available in several countries.

5. Types of Staff Augmentation

Increasing staff is an effective way to expand IT work teams with high-profile professionals. However, the availability of talent and suppliers is sometimes overwhelming. In that sense, knowing how to get to the one you need is essential.

6. Augmentation on site

It only refers to hiring personnel with a specific profile for a certain period. It will be located in the organization’s facilities so that the integration will be quick and direct.

This form of contracting is recommended when coordination must be close, and interaction is person-to-person. The teams work together, allowing fluid communication between permanent and external staff.

7. Remote augmentation

It simply refers to the search for personnel who will carry out their work remotely. The advantage is that a range of specialized profiles will be available globally.

In addition, work execution becomes flexible regardless of the time difference. The focus must be on perfect coordination with those responsible for communicating effectively and without barriers. It will guarantee an ideal workflow between permanent staff and remote staff.

8. According to the project

This criterion expands teams by recruiting profiles depending on the type of project. It lets leaders acquire the needed skills without making a long-term commitment.

It applies to short-term projects or to supply specific skills that internal teams lack. It provides optimal scalability of equipment as required by the project. In this way, the allocation of resources is optimized, and profitability increases.

9. Depending on the equipment

The team-based approach of Staff Augmentation refers to forming an entire team dedicated to a single project. This workgroup has the required experience and is ideal for highly complex projects.

The benefit is immediate because these teams have the extra skills to complete the projects. Additionally, internal team expansion is achieved more quickly, incredibly quickly. Resources are used rationally, and execution is more efficient.

Four central advantages

The increase in personnel implies a series of advantages for your company and the teams involved. Let’s see more about this:

  • Learning. The internal staff draws on the backgrounds of the foreign teams. With experience in AI, IoT, programming, etc., augmented teams benefit the entire organization.

  • More competitiveness. Project scalability, team efficiency, and response speed increase, enabling organizations to gain more market and prestige.

  • Quality. Having the ideal talent according to the project makes the final work more likely to succeed. It strengthens customer loyalty towards the company.

  • The gap is reduced. The expansion will allow them to close the gaps between the abilities exhibited by the teams at a reasonable cost.

There are four compelling reasons for applying for Staff Augmentation. Let’s see them.

Four undeniable benefits

When talent is scarce and times are short, it is essential to find the right personnel as quickly as possible. There has been an increase in demand for IT and software development specialists. Achieving this type of high-level profile involves time and money.

Adding a staff dedicated to a specific project simultaneously constitutes an invaluable boost. Let’s review four benefits of this approach, designed to fill a gap in recruiting valuable staff.

  • Efficient management. On many occasions, the best developers are overloaded with work. Consequently, the consequences on delivery times and the product’s final quality would be disastrous. Activating additional staff to your internal IT teams will guarantee efficient human capital management and associated resources.

  • Just-in-time projects. Optimizing delivery times will avoid fatigue in your staff and episodes of stress and burnout. Additionally, having the right personnel in the critical stages of the work will guarantee the final success of the entire project. The issue of costs plays a crucial role because you will only pay for the time the external staff does their job.

  • Total quality. This factor must not be overlooked since a lot of money and the organization’s name are at stake. Hiring just one IT specialist will not guarantee successful software delivery. Instead, adding a team will ensure that quality standards are maintained until the end. A staff with a culture of working together and accustomed to a constant flow of work will better manage the available resources.

  • Security under control. Security is another aspect to take into account. To save money, the security of projects and departments is often compromised. Using foreign teams means maintaining control of the projects. Hiring the right people gives you the power to allow or deny access at your discretion.

By embracing these benefits, any company can unlock new levels of efficiency and gain a clear understanding of why they are essential. 

Let’s talk about Nearshoring

A variant of Staff Augmentation is Nearshoring, an approach that has gained ground in recent years. It involves subcontracting outside the borders without the time difference and other cultures interfering with the objectives.

It allows project managers a 360-degree view without losing control of the equipment. Fluid communication between on-site and foreign teams is essential. Constant online communication is also necessary to be on time and within budget.

Outsourcing to countries with similar cultures and time zones means significant resource savings. It is especially true in Latin America, where labor is cheaper in certain countries. The same applies to the talent and skills of developers and AI specialists.

Effective Nearshoring applies to “close” countries or those that short flights can reach. Cultural proximities and lifestyles must be taken into account. An emblematic case is Mexico’s proximity to the United States. As for Europe, the countries further east and specific areas of Africa are attractive.

Nearshoring and its advantages

Within Staff Augmentation, Nearshoring grants certain advantages that allow budgets to be controlled. The direct consequence is increased profitability; Therefore, the organization is strengthened.

• Fewer barriers. Nearshoring in nearby countries is more effective because cultural and language barriers are almost non-existent. Leaders can travel seamlessly for ad hoc supervision meetings. The technology industry benefits because it has trained talent that does not have to leave its territory.

• Better comunication. Countries that are close and share a culture are less traumatic for team members regarding language. Generally, mastery of English will not be a problem since there are good skills when handling that language in this part of the world.

• More business opportunities. Because language does not imply a barrier, it is easier to prospect and contact potential clients. It opens a window of opportunity to expand the company’s horizons.

Nearshoring is a hot topic in the software industry right now. Companies are increasingly interested in this approach to software development, and for good reason.

A model for success

Adopting a Staff Augmentation model requires having a trusted provider aligned with the organization’s culture. It allows the ideal team to be available for specific AI projects within the stipulated time without costs skyrocketing.

It is a strategy that stands out for its flexibility and scalability so that leaders can adjust the size of their teams. Adjustments can be made without impairing the quality of the final product because the talent involved is adequate.

To put it briefly, a well-targeted team expansion strategy gives organizations first-class profiles without compromising budgets. Knowledge transfer occurs fluidly, enriching both teams equally. These are enough reasons to adopt a win-win approach.

If you are looking for specialized technology personnel, we are here to help. We use a rigorous method to select the right personnel for your project. Contact us; we have high-level talent that accelerates your results.

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