Electrical burns are the most common shock-related nonfatal injuries among electricians, but they can happen to anyone. These types of burns are very serious, yet most people are unaware of their dangers. This article will offer an introduction to electrical burns for those who want to educate themselves.
What Are Electrical Burns?
Electrical burns occur when people come into contact with electricity. There are many types of electrical burns, ranging in severity from low-voltage burns, which only affect the contact site, to high-voltage burns that can cause severe damage to subcutaneous tissues and even internal organs. Other types of electrical burns include flash burhs, arc burns, flame burns, and oral burns. The latter is most common in children, so parents may want to check out the electrical safety tips linked here.
Common Causes of Electrical Burns
Some people associate electrical burns with lightning strikes, but according to realtimecampaign.com, the most frequent causes of this serious medical issue are far more commonplace. Most electrical burns occur as a result of short-circuiting, grasping live wires, falling into electrified water, and inserting fingers into electrical sockets. Low-voltage electrical burns often occur when people touch appliances or other energized objects while grounded. High-voltage electrical burns are more commonly caused by conductive objects touching overhead power lines.
What To Do if Someone Is in Contact With a Live Circuit
Electrical Injuries Can Cause Devastating Effects. If there are people around who can help, it may be able to save a burn victim’s life. However, it’s essential that anyone on the scene exercise extreme caution to avoid sustaining injuries alongside the victim.
The first things to do are always to identify the source of electricity so that it can be carefully avoided and to call 911. If possible, shut off the electrical current. If that’s not possible or it would take too long, try to move victims who are still in contact with the energized circuit away using a non-conductive material like wood. Stay with the person until EMS has arrived, but don’t approach unless the power source has definitely been shut off.
How Electrical Burns Are Treated
Minor electrical burns can sometimes be treated safely at home using appropriate first aid techniques. However, serious burns always need to be evaluated and treated by a specialist. When EMS arrives on the scene, the burn victim should take the advice of the paramedic and go to the hospital if there is any question as to the severity of the injury. If the burn is severe, the hospital staff will send the patient to one of the Burn and Reconstructive Centers of America.
Take the Dangers of Electricity Seriously
Electricity is incredibly powerful, which means it can also be extremely dangerous. It’s important to take the dangers associated with electricity seriously and do everything possible to prevent burns and other injuries. Parents, especially, should make a point of prioritizing electrical safety. Use childproof covers for outlets, check cords often, avoid leaving appliances near unattended children, and make a point of teaching kids about electrical safety at a young age.
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