SD Evolution’s Blueprint to Optimal Health and Wellness

SD Evolution's Blueprint to Optimal Health and Wellness
The 5-pillar method to achieving results that last

In the fast-paced world of health and fitness, achieving lasting results often feels like an elusive goal. Many embark on fitness journeys only to find themselves stuck in a cycle of short-lived progress and eventual regression. But what if there was a method that could break this cycle and pave the way for sustainable success?

Introducing the SDE Method—a holistic approach developed by SD Evolution founders Josh and Alessandra Scutnik. It is a blueprint that encompasses five key pillars: Training, Nutrition, Mindset, Movement, and Habits. The key is to choose a protocol for each pillar that each individual enjoys. Only select protocols that will last long-term.

Training: The minimum should be to train with weights 3 days per week, 30 minutes per session. For busy parents, those might be 3 total body workouts spread throughout the week. For those with more flexibility in their schedule, a more specific training split can be implemented, up to 6 days per week- ideally 60 minutes or less per workout. Also aim for 150 minutes per week of moderate intensity aerobic activity.

Nutrition: The SDE Method places a strong emphasis on nutrition as a key component of your success. We don’t believe in cutting out entire food groups unless there is an actual sensitivity. Opt for nutrient diversity by consuming a variety of different plants each week. Also aim for 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight consumed daily.

Mindset: The mind is a powerful tool, and cultivating the right mindset is essential for success. With the SDE Method, we focus on empowering the development of a positive and resilient mindset. From overcoming self-doubt to staying motivated in the face of challenges, choosing protocols like meditation or cold exposure- along with breathwork and stress-management techniques, will go a long way toward improving overall health.

Movement: Movement is medicine, and incorporating regular physical activity into a routine is crucial for overall health and well-being. We want this to come outside of your structured workouts. So get outside and find joy in movement. Aim for a minimum of 7,000 steps per day.

Habits: Last but not least, building sustainable habits is the key to long-term success. Habits are the tiny things that can be done each day that will lead to a goal over time. Aim to attach a specific habit to each goal. For example, if the goal is moving 10,000 steps per day, the habit could be going for a 15 minute walk every morning. As an additional bonus, that early sunlight has big benefits for overall health as well!

In conclusion, the SDE Method offers a holistic approach to health and fitness that goes beyond quick fixes and fad diets. By incorporating the five pillars of training, nutrition, mindset, movement, and habits, a sustainable foundation for a lasting transformation is created.

And remember, normal is not optimal. Never settle for less. When it comes to health, we want to aim for nothing short of excellent!

Media Contact
Company Name: SD Evolution
Contact Person: Josh Scutnik
Email: Send Email
Country: United States